The Institute for Research in Jewish Law was the proud winner of the “Katz Prize for the Implementation of Halakcha in Modern Life”

19 July, 2018
The Institute for Research in Jewish Law was the proud winner of the “Katz Prize for the Implementation of Halakcha in Modern Life”

The Institute for Research in Jewish Law was the proud winner of the “Katz Prize for the Implementation of Halakcha in Modern Life” for the year 2018. This prize was awarded to the Institute for Research in Jewish Law for its years of work in the field of research of Jewish Law, its connection to modern law in general, and to Israeli law specifically.

Together with the institute the prize was awarded to Rabbi Asher Zelig Weiss, and Rabbi Yehuda Hertzel Henkin and Rabbi Joseph Tzevi Rimon.

We thank the prize committee for finding the institute worthy of this great honor.

For the reasoning of the prize committee please see here