Since its inception, the JLA has published 19 volumes that are filled with seminal articles on an array of topics related to Jewish law. While for many years the JLA was published under the auspices of Boston University, it has recently been transferred to the Institute for the Research of Jewish Law, at the Faculty of Law, Hebrew University (it is published in English through the Routledge Publishing house). This is a very exciting milestone in the history of JLA, and presents a singular opportunity for further enhancing this publication, and assuring that it will serve as a first tier journal of Jewish law for years to come.
The JLA is a peer reviewed journal, which offers a unique platform for publishing articles in the field of Jewish law, broadly defined. In addition to publishing articles on Jewish law and Halakhah proper, the journal also extends to surrounding fields including Jewish philosophy, Jewish history, biblical studies, Talmudic research, as well as law and religion, and comparative law and jurisprudence.
The Jewish Law Annual Volumes 20-21
Editors: Dr. Benjamin Porat, Hebrew University; Prof, David Flatto, Hebrew University
Introduction | 3 |
Pierre Legendre, The Work and Method of Western Jurists in the XIIth Century. | 6 |
Haim H. Cohn, Maimondean Theories of Codification | 15 |
Shamma Friedman, The Organizational Pattern of the Mishneh Torah | 37 |
Jacob I. Dienstag, The Relationship of Maimonides to his Predecessors: Part I, Midrashic Literature | 42 |
Nachum L. Rabinovitch, Mishneh Torah-Code and Commentary | 61 |
Lenn Evan Goodman, Maimonides' Philosophy of Law | 72 |
Gerald G. Blindstein, Maimonides on 'Oral Law'. | 108 |
Daniel Jeremy Silver, "Moses our Teacher was a King" | 123 |
Jacob S. Levinger, Maimonides as Philosopher and Codifier. | 133 |
Shmuel Shilo, Maimonides on "Dina de-malkhuta Dina (The Law of the State is Law)" | 146 |
Bernard S. Jackson, Maimonides' Definitions of Tam and Mu'ad | 168 |
Current Responsa, Decisions of Batei Din, and Rabbinical Literature | 179 |
Impotence as Grounds for Divorce (J. David Bleich) | 184 |
Tenure (J. David Bleich) | 187 |
Sterilization (G.B Haliarad) | 192 |
Euthanasia (G.B Halibard) | 196 |
Jewish Law in the Judgements of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (M. Bass, D. Cheshin) | 200 |
Notes | 213 |
The Race Relations Act, 1976 (Robert Merkin) | 213 |
Refusal to Testify as a protected First Amendment Religious Right (Bernard J. Meislin) | 219 |
Child Custody: Compelling a Jewish Upbrigning (Bernard J. Meislin) | 221 |
Recognition of Bet Din Juridstiction (Bernard J. Meislin) | 223 |
Civil Court Enforcement of Agreement to Obtain a "get" (Bernard J. Meislin) | 228 |
The Status of a Foreign "Get" in Belgium (M.D.A. Freeman) | 228 |
Leviticus XVIII, The Forbidden Degrees and the Law of Incest in Scotland (David Sellar) | 229 |
Some Legal Aspects of the Entebbe Incident (Malcolm N. Shaw) | 232 |
Survey of Recent Literature | 243 |
M. Chigier, Codification of Jewish Law | 3 |
Samuel N. Hoenig, Halakhot Gedolot: An Early Halakhic Code | 45 |
S.M Passamaneck, A Companion Index to Responsa in Shulhan Arukh, Hoshen Mishpat | 56 |
Nahum Rakover, The Department of Jewish Law of the Ministry of Justice in Israel | 74 |
D.B Sinclair, Projects of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law, Jerusalem | 82 |
Menachem Slae, The Responsa Project | 84 |
Daniel Friedmann, Problems of Codification of Civil Law in Israel | 88 |
John G. Fleming, The Restatement in Uncodified Mixed Jurisdictions | 125 |
David Pearl, Codification in Islamic Law | 162 |
M. D. A. Freeman, The Concept of Codification | 168 |
Bernard S. Jackson, The Prospects for Codification or Restatement of Jewish Law: A Personal Summation | 180 |
Current Responsa, Decisions of Bate Din, and Rabbinical Literature (J. David Bleich): | |
Status of the Deaf-Mute in Jewish Law | 187 |
Hazardous Medical Procedures | 194 |
Who is a Jew? | 199 |
Jewish Law in the Judgments of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (D.B. Sinclair): | |
Penetration in Rape Cases | 204 |
Judicial Legislation | 205 |
Prescription | 206 |
Notes | |
Certainty of Trusts and the Definition of a Jew (England) (Malcolm Shaw) | |
Varia Americana (Bernard J Meislin) | |
Religious Garb | 216 |
Divorce | 217 |
Jewish Law and Dead Bodies | 218 |
Sabbath Work: Violation of Employee's Civil Rights | 220 |
Three Constitutional Issues Concerning Non-Catholics in Italy (Daniela Piattelli) | 222 |
Religious Discrimination (E.E.C) (G.M Golding) | 230 |
Recognition of Bet Din Jurisdiction in Kashrut Matter (France) (Robert D. Lehmann) | 234 |
Survey of Recent Literature | 237 |
Part I – Unjust Enrichment
B.S Jackson, Introduction | 3 |
Nahum Rakover, Unjust Enrichment | 9 |
Shalom Albeck, Benefiting Another Without his Consent | 33 |
Norman Solomon, Concepts of Zeh Neheneh in the Analytic School | 49 |
A. Ehrman, Pretium Iustum and Laesio Enormis in Roman and Jewish Source | 63 |
Appendix: Publication of Dr. A. Ehrman | 71 |
Palimport Ltd. V. Ziba Geigi Ltd | 74 |
The Israel Unjust Enrichment Law 1979 | 80 |
David Walters, The Restitution of Unjustly Acquired Benefits in English and Scots Law | 84 |
Lenn Evan Goodman, Unjust Enrichment and Regulation | 98 |
Part II – Chronicle
Current Responsa, Decisions of Bate Din, and Rabbinical Literature (1-4: J. David Bleich, 5: G.B. Halibard): | |
Neurological Criteria of Death and Time of Death Statutes | 115 |
Privacy of Personal Correspondence | 128 |
Professional Secrecy | 131 |
Severance Pay: Hired Servant or Independent Contractor | 137 |
Abortion in Jewish Law: A recent Judgment | 139 |
Jewish Law in the State of Israel (D. B Sinclair): | |
The Supreme Court | 154 |
Rabbinical Courts | 161 |
The Fundamental of Law Bill, 5738-1978 | 165 |
Varia Americana (Bernard J. Meislin): | |
Jews in America: Contending for Recognition as a separate Race or Class | 170 |
Rhode Island and the Jews (with Ecursions to Connecticut) | 172 |
Sunday Closing Laws: Constitutionality | 175 |
International Law (Malcolm N. Shaw): | |
The Egyptian-Israeli Treaty, 1979 | 180 |
International Law and the West Bank | 187 |
Israel and the EEC: A New Legal Model for Trade and Cooperation (Joseph-Halevy H. Weiler) | 196 |
Survey of Recent Literature | 213 |
Appendix: Bibliography of Jewish Law Articles in Selected Law Journals | 245 |
Part I – The Wife's Right to Divorce
B.S Jackson, Introduction |
3 |
E. Lipinski, The Wife's Right to Divorce in the Light of an Ancient Near Eastern Tradition |
9 |
Yair Zakovitch, The Woman's Rights in the Biblical Law of Divorce |
28 |
Evald Lovestam, Divorce and Remarriage in the New Testament |
47 |
Daniela Piattelli, The Marriage Contract and Bill of Divorce in Ancient Hebrew law |
66 |
Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, Divorce of Jews in the Roman Empire |
79 |
Mordechai A. Friedman, Divorce upon the wife's demand as reflected in Mnuscripts from the Cairo Geniza |
103 |
Shmuel Shilo, Impotence as a ground for divorce (to the End of the Period of the Rishonim) |
127 |
Mark Washofsky, The Recalcitrant Husband: The Problem of Definition |
144 |
J. David Bleich, Modern-Day Agunot: A Proposed Remedy |
167 |
David Novak, Annulment in Lieu of Divorce in Jewish Law |
188 |
M. Chigier, Ruminations over the Agunah Problem |
207 |
David Pearl, The Wife's Right to Divorce in Muslim Law |
226 |
J. Duncan M. Derrett, Divorce at the Petition of the Wife at Hindu Law |
232 |
Bernard J. Meislin, Pursuit of the Wife's Right to a "Get" in United States and Canadian Courts |
250 |
Stern v. Stern, Judgment of Gerald S. Held, J.S.C. |
272 |
M.D.A Freeman, Jews and the Law of Divorce in England |
276 |
Part II
Survey of Recent Literature |
291 |
Part I – Jewish Law in Israel
M. Shava, The Nature and Scope of Jewish Law in Israel as Applied in the Civil Courts as Compared with its Application in the Rabbinical Courts |
3 |
Meir Sichel, Air Pollution – Smoke and Odor Damage |
25 |
M. Chigier, The Widow's Rights in Jewish and Israeli Law |
44 |
D.B. Sinclair, Kupat Am Bank v. Hendeles |
54 |
Part II – Chronicle
Current Responsa, Decisions of Bate Din and Rabbinical Literature (J.D. Bleich) |
Indirect Coercion in Compelling a Get |
65 |
Copyright |
71 |
The Foundations of Law Act, 1980 and Its Implementation (N. Rakover) |
80 |
When Jewish Reference is Irrelevant and Prejudicial and when it is Relevant and Determinative |
85 |
The Right of a Public Entity to Lease Airport Land to a Synagouge |
87 |
Civil Treatment of a Rabbi |
89 |
Blasphemy in English Criminal Law (R. v. Lemon) (G.H. Gordon, with a postscript by B.S. Jackson) |
92 |
Industrial and Race Relations in England (Seide v. Gillette Industries Ltd.) – M. Jefferson |
100 |
Part III
Survey of Recent Literature |
109 |
Index of Reent Literature, with Author Index |
151 |
Part I – The Philosophy of Jewish Law |
Bernard S. Jackson, Secular Jurisprudence and the Philosophy of Jewish Law: A Commentary on Some Recent Literature |
3 |
Emanuel Rackman, Secular Jurisprudence and Halakha |
45 |
Jacob I. Dienstag, Natural Law in Maimonidean Thought and Scholarship (On Mishneh Torah, Kings VIII, II) |
64 |
Oliver Leaman, Maimonides and Natural Law |
78 |
Louis Jacobs, Tur, Preface to Hoshen Mishpat – Translation and Commentary |
94 |
Rivka Schatz, Maharal's Conception of Law – Antithesis to Natural Law Theory |
109 |
Norman Solomon, Anomaly and Theory in the Analytical School |
126 |
Alan J. Yuter, Legal Positivism and Contemporary Halakhic Discourse |
148 |
Hanina Ben Menachem, Is there Always One Uniquely Correct Answer to a Legal Question in the Talmud? |
164 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Current Responsa, Decisions of Bate Din and Rabbinical Literature: (J.D Bleich) |
Judges Under Threat |
179 |
Teachers's Unions |
183 |
Indue Influence and Conflict of Interests |
186 |
The Agnostic Witness and the Oath |
188 |
Refund of Estate Duty |
192 |
Rape of a Wife |
194 |
Good Faith in Fulfilling Contractual Obligations |
196 |
Illegal Contracts |
199 |
"Beyond the Letter of the Law" |
203 |
Necessity |
206 |
Non-Financial Pressures on a Husband to Grant a "Get" (V. New) |
210 |
Towards a New Regulation of the Relations Between the State and Italian Jewry (D. Piattelli) |
216 |
German Legislation Against Denying the Holocaust (E. Klingenberg) |
219 |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
225 |
Part I – The Philosophy of Jewish Law |
J. David Bleich, Judaism and Natural Law |
5 |
David Novak, Natural Law, Halakha and the Covenant |
43 |
Elliot N. Dorff, The Covenant: The Transcendent Thrust in Jewish Law |
68 |
Moshe Sokol, Some Tensions in the Jewish Attitude Toward the Taking of Human Life |
97 |
Izhak Englard, The Interaction of Morality and Jewish Law |
114 |
Abraham M. Fuss, Fact Skepticism in Jewish Law |
125 |
Lawrence Kaplan, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik Philosophy of Halakha |
139 |
Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Law in Reform Judaism: A Study of Solomon Freehof |
198 |
Julius Stone, Leeways of Choice, Natural Law and Justice in Jewish Legal Ordering |
210 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Survey of Recent Literature |
255 |
Part I – Papers from Ramat Rahel |
Jacob Bazak, The Meaning of the Term "Justice and Righteousness" in the Bible |
5 |
Bernard S. Jackson, Jewish Law or Jewish Laws |
15 |
Alan Yuter, Is Halakhah Really Law? |
35 |
H. Joel Laks, Three Proposals Regarding the Relationship of Law and Morality in the Halakhah |
53 |
Dennis Kurzon, Iconic Syntax in Rabbinical Codes |
71 |
Stephen M. Passamaneck, Man Proposes Heaven Disposes |
85 |
Lionel Kochan, Towards a Rabbinic Theory of Idolatry |
99 |
Berachyahu Lifshitz, The Doctrine of Res Judaica |
127 |
Eberhard Klingenberg, Judgment and Settlement in Court in Jewish and Comparative Legal History |
135 |
Jean Jofen, The Jewish Law of Usury as Seen in Elizabethan Literature |
147 |
Ya'akov Meron, Practical Application of the Foundations of Law Act |
159 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Varia Americana (Martin Edelman) |
Entangling Alliances: The Agunah Problem in the Light of Avitzur v. Avitzur |
193 |
Goldman v. Weinberger: Yarmulkes, The Supreme Court and the Free Exercise of Religion |
210 |
Public Legislation (Geoffrey Alderman) |
221 |
Stunning before Slaughter in the EEC (G.M Golding) |
238 |
Good Faith in Administrative Decisions |
239 |
Legal Formalism and Individual Justice |
242 |
Social Legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany (Eberhard Klingenberg) |
245 |
Towards Halakhic Unity?: The Bricto Proposals |
247 |
Halakha with Humility (Sidney Brichto) |
253 |
Comment on the Brichto Proposals (Louis Jacobs) |
253 |
Halakha 0 Developmental and Pluralistic (Moshe Zemer) |
259 |
Comments on Rabbi Dr. Brichto and Rabbi Dr. Jacobs (B. Berkovits) |
269 |
A Response to the Recent Proposal of Rabbi Dr. Sidney Brichto (David Novak) |
289 |
Part I – Criminal Law: Husband and Wife |
S.M, Passamaneck, Aspects of Physical Violence Against Persons in Karo's Shulhan Arukh |
5 |
Peretz Segal, Postbiblical Jewish Criminal Law and Theology |
107 |
Aaron Kirchenbaum, The Role of Punishment in Jewish Criminal Law: A Chapter in Rabbinic Penological Thought |
123 |
Mordechai Frishtik, Physical and Sexual Violence by Husbands as a Reason for Imposing a Divorce in Jewish Law |
145 |
Samuel Morell, Profile of a Jurist: Joseph Ibn Lev's rulings Regarding Agunot |
171 |
Russell K. Ryan, And Then There Was One: An Analysis and Comparison of Polygamy Among Jews and Mormons |
205 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Contemporary Halakha (J. David Bleich) |
Checks |
235 |
Custody and the Role of Women in Their Children's Education |
251 |
Brain Death |
257 |
Conscientious Objection |
262 |
Registration of a Convert |
265 |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
271 |
Part I – Parent and Child |
D.B. Sinclair, Introduction |
3 |
Joseph Flieshman, Offences Against Parents Punishable by Death: Towards a Socio-Legal Interpretation of Ex. 21:15 |
17 |
Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, Herod's Domestic Court? The Judgment of Death for Herod's Sons |
39 |
Shlomo Nahmias, The Law and the Relationship between Parents and Children |
57 |
Mordechai Frishtik, Physical Violence by Parents Against Their Children in Jewish History and Jewish Law |
79 |
Moshe Zemer, Purifying Mamzerim |
99 |
Eliav Shochetman, On the Nature of the Rules Governing Custody of Children in Jewish Law |
115 |
Pinhas Shifman, The Welfare of the Child and Religious Considerations |
159 |
Elimelech Westreich, A Father's Obligation to Maintain His Children in Talmudic Law |
177 |
Ya'akov Meron, Parents and Children under Moslem Law |
213 |
Antoine Garapon, From a Debate on Family Law to a Debate on Children's Rights |
235 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Martin Edelman, Limits Without Walls: Constricting Religious Freedom in the United States |
247 |
D.B Sinclair, Jewish Law in the State of Israel | |
Messianic Jews and the Law of Return |
259 |
Celebration and Registration of Marriages by Reform Rabbis |
263 |
Defining Conversion to Judaism |
267 |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
273 |
Part I |
Stephen M. Passamaneck, The Rabbinic Law on Entry and Seizure |
3 |
G.J Blidstein, Mine and Thine: the Problem of Priority in Civil Law ("Hashavat Avedah") |
37 |
Yair Zakovitch, Ancient Variants and Interpretations of Some Laws of the Book of the Covenant as Reflected in Early Prophets' Narratives |
57 |
Hillel Gamoran, Credit Transactions in Geonic Times in the Light of the Law Against Usury |
63 |
Arthur Gross Shaefer, Contractual Intent: Is the Reasonable Person Standard Sufficient? |
85 |
Mordechai Biser, Can an Observant Jew Practice Law? A Look at Some Halakhic Problems |
101 |
Bernard S. Jackson, On the Nature of Analogical Argument in Early Jewish Law |
137 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Moshe Ish-Horowicz, The Case of Mrs. Paula Cohen and her Children |
171 |
Debra Morris, The Jewish Will in English Law |
195 |
Martin Edelman, Grumet v. Board of Education of Kiryas Joel: Towards a Lemon-aid Theory of the First Amendment's Religious Clauses |
207 |
Appointment of Women to Religious Councils |
221 |
Compromise Agreements |
226 |
Judicial Bias |
230 |
Pre-Trial Custody |
232 |
Protection of Privacy |
233 |
Consent to Medical Procedures |
237 |
Prisoner's Right to Marital Relations |
241 |
Part III |
Book Review |
251 |
Survey of Recent Literature |
269 |
Part I – Medico-Legal Issues |
David Shatz, Concepts of Autonomy in Jewish Medical Ethics |
3 |
Elimelech Westreich, Medicine and Jewish Law in the Rabbinical Courts of Israel: Matters of Infertility |
45 |
Elliot N. Dorff, Jewish Law and Lore: The Case of Organ Transplantation |
65 |
Fred Rosner and Jacob Widroff, Physicians' Fees in Jewish Law |
115 |
Pinhas Shifman, New Reproductive Technologies and Jewish Law |
127 |
Avraham Steinberg, Informed Consent: Ethical and Halakhic Considerations |
137 |
Yehoshua Ben Meir, Legal Parenthood and Genetic Parenthood in Jewish Law |
153 |
Joop Al, Comparative Observations on Some Current Medico-Legal Issues in Dutch Law |
167 |
Danuta Mendelson, The Concept of Medical Confidentiality in Australian and Jewish Law |
217 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Daniel B. Sinclair, Jewish Law in the State of Israel |
253 |
Martin Edelman, Answering to a higher Authority: Kashrut and American Constitutional Law |
267 |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
285 |
Part I |
Hanina Ben-Menahem, Maimonides' Fourteen Roots: Logical Structure and Conceptual Analysis |
3 |
Michael J. Broyde and Michael Hecht, The Gentile and Returning Lost Property According to Jewish Law: A Theory of Reciprocity |
31 |
Joseph Fleishman, Does the Law of Exodus 21:7-11 Permit a Father to Sell His Daughter to Be a Slave? |
47 |
David Golinkin, A Bibliography of the Writings of Professor Boaz Cohen |
65 |
Irwin H. Haut, Kad and Havit |
87 |
Maidi S. Katz, z"l, The Married Woman and her Expense Account: A Study of the Marries Woman's Ownership and Use of Marital Property in Jewish Law |
101 |
Berachyahu Lifshitz, Kad and Havit – More on the Role of the Stam |
143 |
Avi Sagi, Natural Law and Halakha – A Critical Analysis |
149 |
Dov Schwartz, Rabbi David Cohen, the Nazir, on Halakhic Exegesis |
197 |
Ronnie Warburg, A Comparative Analysis of a Wife's Capacity to Pledge Her Husband's Credit for Domestic Necessities in Anglo-American Law and Jewish Law |
213 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Martin Edelman and Christopher McMahon, Lemon Peels: The Unraveling of a Constitutional Law Doctrine |
241 |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
285 |
Style Sheet |
287 |
Part I |
Hanina Ben Menahem, Doubt, Choice and Conviction: A Comparison of the Kim Li Doctrine and Probablism |
3 |
Yitzchok A. Breitowitz, Halakhic Alternatives in IVF-Pregnancies: A Survey |
29 |
Irwin H. Haut, z"l, Recovery for Fright, Shock and Emotional Distress under Jewish Law and Some Comparisons to the Common Law |
121 |
David Henshke, Agency and Divorce Proceedings: On the Legal Methodology of Maimonides' Mishne Torah |
163 |
Ephraim Nissan, Review Article: Some Recent Work on Logic, Mathematics and Halakha |
259 |
Mair Raffeld, The Controversies of the Sages of Poland in the Sixteenth Century: A Chapter in the History of Jewish Law, Its General Rules and Methods of Decision-Making |
271 |
Bernard Septimus, Kings, Coinage and Constitutionalism: Notes on a Responsum of Nahmanides |
295 |
Michael Wygoda, On the Relationship Between the Capacity to Perform a Legal Task and the Capacity to Appoint an Agent to Perform |
315 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Martin Edelman, "Something there is that doesn't Love a Wall" |
353 |
Daniel B. Sinclair, Jewish Law in Israel and Around the World |
367 |
The Validity of a gift made with the intention that it take effect only upon the donor's death |
Does Showing films featuring Orthodox Jews on Shabat infringe their Basic Rights? |
When one Life Overrides Another: Seperating Conjoined Twins in English and Jewish Law |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
389 |
Style Sheet |
403 |
Part I |
Jonathan Blass, Halakhic Altruism: A Critique of H. Dagan's "The Law of Unjust Enrichment: Between Judaism and Liberalism" |
3 |
Shimon Ettinger, Can a Witness Serve as Judge? |
13 |
Irwin H. Haut, z"l, Unjust Enrichment Revisited |
41 |
Yehiel S. Kaplan, Enforcement of Divorce Judgments by Imprisonment: Principles of Jewish Law |
57 |
Steven H. Resnicoff, Ends and Means in Jewish Law: Lying to Achieve Financial Justice |
147 |
Yosef Tobi, Caro's Shulhan Arukh versus Maimonides' Mishne Torah in Yemen |
189 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Martin Edelman, The Eruv Wars |
219 |
Daniel B. Sinclair, Jewish Law in the State of Israel |
229 |
Treatment of the Terminally Ill |
Jewish Heritage as a Source of Natural Law in Israeli Jurisprudence |
Part III |
Survey of recent Literature |
245 |
Style Sheet |
273 |
Part I |
Judah Galinsky, Ashkenazim in Sefard: The Rosh and the Tur on the Codification of Jewish Law |
3 |
Ron S. Kleinman, Early Interpretations of the Bible and Talmud as a Reflection of Medieval Legal Realia |
25 |
Yechezkel Lichtenshtein, Suicide as an Act of Atonement in Jewish Law |
51 |
David Malkiel, The Burden of the Past in the Eighteenth Century: Authority, custom and Innovation in the Pahad Yitzhak |
93 |
Part II – Conference Papers |
Hanina Ben-Menahem, Some Introductory Remarks on Genesis Rabbah and the Law |
135 |
Charles Donahue, Jr., Genesis in Western Canon Law |
155 |
Timothy D. Lytton, Due Process and Legal Authority in the Garden of Eden: Jurisprudence in Aggadic Midrash |
185 |
Part III – Chronicle |
Martin Edelman, A Tale of Two Cultures: Conspicuous Religious Symbols in the Public Schools of France and the United States |
205 |
Daniel B. Sinclair, Jewish Law in the State of Israel |
221 |
A Rabbinical Court Decision Regarding a Dispute Over the Fate of Pre-Embryos |
Kofin al Midat Sdom: Abuse of rights in Jewish Law |
A Definite Rabbinical Court Decision on the Status of Civil Marriage |
Part IV |
Survey of Recent Literature |
245 |
Style Sheet |
253 |
Part I |
Neria Guttel, It is Indeed in Heaven: The Uniqueness of the Laws of the Temple in the Halakhic Doctrine of Rabbi A.I Kook |
3 |
David Henshke, The Number of Judges in Ancient Israel |
27 |
Leib Moscovitz, "The Actions of a Minor are a Nullity"? Some Observations on the Legal Capacity of Minors in Rabbinic Law |
63 |
Avinoam Rosenak, Prophecy and Halakha: Dialectic in the Meta-Halakhic Thought of Rabbi A.I Kook |
121 |
Haim Shapira, The Schools of Hillel and Shamai |
159 |
Yuval Sinai, Judicial Authority in Fraudulent-Claim Cases |
209 |
Ronnie Warburg, Breach of a Promise to Marry |
267 |
Part II |
Daniel B. Sinclair, Jewish Law in the State of Israel |
285 |
The Constutional Validity of the Sabath Observance Law |
285 |
Terminally Ill Patient Law, 5766-2005 |
292 |
Part III |
Book Reviews of Aviad Hacohen, The Tears of the Oppressed, An Examination of the Agunah Problem: Background and Halakhic Sources |
303 |
Bernard S. Jackson |
303 |
Avishalom Westreich |
306 |
Style Sheet |
317 |
Part I |
Shimon Ettinger, The Prohibition Against Consulting Two Authorities and the Nature of Halakhic Truth |
3 |
Yehiel Kaplan, The Changing Profile of the Parent-Child Relationship in Jewish Law |
21 |
Amihai Radzyner, Jewish Law in London: Between Two Societies |
81 |
Benjamin Shmueli, Corporal Punishment of Children in Jewish Law |
137 |
Ronal Warburg, Recovery for Infliction of Emotional Distress: Toward Relief for the Agunah |
213 |
Michael Wygoda, The Agent who Breaches his Principal's Trust |
265 |
Style Sheet |
319 |
Elisha Ancselovits, The Prosbul – A Legal Fiction? | 3 |
Hanina Ben-Menahem, Shame Punishment in Jewish Legal Culture: Some Preliminary Observations | 17 |
Dov I. Frimer, Refusal to Give a get: Tort Damages and the Recalcitrant Spouse in Contemporary Jewish Law | 39 |
Bernard S. Jackson, Ruth's Conversion: Then and Now | 53 |
Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, The End of Life in Jewish Law | 63 |
Nahum Rakover, Man as a Synthesis of Body and Spirit: A Jewish Perspective | 83 |
Chaim N. Saiman, Framing Jewish Law for the contemporary Law School | 89 |
Daniel B. Sinclair, Normative Transparency in Jewish Law: Maimonides, R. Moses Sofer and R. Abraham Isaac Kook | 119 |
Ronnie Warburg, The Tort of Negligent Misrepresentation in Investment Planning: A Comparative Analysis | 141 |
Shai Wozner, On Conduct Rules and Decision Rules in Jewish Law | 165 |
Part II – Hebrew Section
Berachyahu Lifshitz, Promises in Talmudic Law and Persian Law | 183 |
Yuval Sinai, Maimonides on the "Two Witnesses" Requirement | 207 |
Elimelech Westreich, The Official Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem (1841-1921), its Composition and Status | 235 |
Style Sheet | 263 |
Yitshak COHEN, Midrashic Exegesis and Legal Creativity in the Meshekh Hokhma | 1 |
Israel Zvi GILAT , Exegetical Creativity in Interpreting the Biblical Laws on Capital Offenses | 41 |
Amihai RADZYNER, Problematic Halakhic 'Creativity' in Israeli Rabbinical Court Rulings | 103 |
Arye SCHREIBER, Privacy in Jewish Law: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis | 179 |
Shalom C. SPIRA and Mark A. WAINBERG, HIV Vaccine Triage: Halakhic Considerations | 235 |
Ronnie WARBURG, Contractual Consequences of Cohabitation in American Law and Jewish Law | 279 |
Book Review: Steven F. FRIEDELL, Yuval Sinai, Application of Jewish Law in the Israeli Courts (Hebrew) | 339 |
Style Sheet | 347 |
| |
Style Sheet | 129 KB |
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