Part I – Parent and Child |
D.B. Sinclair, Introduction |
3 |
Joseph Flieshman, Offences Against Parents Punishable by Death: Towards a Socio-Legal Interpretation of Ex. 21:15 |
17 |
Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, Herod's Domestic Court? The Judgment of Death for Herod's Sons |
39 |
Shlomo Nahmias, The Law and the Relationship between Parents and Children |
57 |
Mordechai Frishtik, Physical Violence by Parents Against Their Children in Jewish History and Jewish Law |
79 |
Moshe Zemer, Purifying Mamzerim |
99 |
Eliav Shochetman, On the Nature of the Rules Governing Custody of Children in Jewish Law |
115 |
Pinhas Shifman, The Welfare of the Child and Religious Considerations |
159 |
Elimelech Westreich, A Father's Obligation to Maintain His Children in Talmudic Law |
177 |
Ya'akov Meron, Parents and Children under Moslem Law |
213 |
Antoine Garapon, From a Debate on Family Law to a Debate on Children's Rights |
235 |
Part II – Chronicle |
Martin Edelman, Limits Without Walls: Constricting Religious Freedom in the United States |
247 |
D.B Sinclair, Jewish Law in the State of Israel | |
Messianic Jews and the Law of Return |
259 |
Celebration and Registration of Marriages by Reform Rabbis |
263 |
Defining Conversion to Judaism |
267 |
Part III |
Survey of Recent Literature |
273 |