Yitshak COHEN, Midrashic Exegesis and Legal Creativity in the Meshekh Hokhma | 1 |
Israel Zvi GILAT , Exegetical Creativity in Interpreting the Biblical Laws on Capital Offenses | 41 |
Amihai RADZYNER, Problematic Halakhic 'Creativity' in Israeli Rabbinical Court Rulings | 103 |
Arye SCHREIBER, Privacy in Jewish Law: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis | 179 |
Shalom C. SPIRA and Mark A. WAINBERG, HIV Vaccine Triage: Halakhic Considerations | 235 |
Ronnie WARBURG, Contractual Consequences of Cohabitation in American Law and Jewish Law | 279 |
Book Review: Steven F. FRIEDELL, Yuval Sinai, Application of Jewish Law in the Israeli Courts (Hebrew) | 339 |
Style Sheet | 347 |